Rich and eclectic day of the network of environmental initiatives

Rich and eclectic day of the network of environmental initiatives
Rich and eclectic day of the network of environmental initiatives

The Permanent Center for Environmental Initiatives (CPIE) is a dynamic network bringing together more than fifty structures, including professional associations, communities, and educational establishments.

Its main objective is to promote and develop education for the environment and sustainable development (EEDD) while supporting project leaders in the ecological transition within the Gard department.

The CPIE du Gard has the following approvals: National Education, Nature Protection and ESUS (Solidarity Enterprise of Social Utility).

The start of the CPIE du Gard was a memorable day, marked by a strong participation of members. This year, this event was held in an exceptional setting, surrounded by nature, in the ethnobotanical gardens of La Gardie, created and managed by the Arc Avène association, a magnificent site which undeniably contributed to the success of this day.

Thematic workshops

The day was punctuated by various workshops and moments of exchange, promoting collective construction and discovery. Several important themes were addressed: discussions around the introduction of educational activities and citizen mobilization, ranging from awareness-raising to support.

After a quick guided tour of the garden and the medieval vegetable patch, the participants shared a friendly picnic in the charcoal pit area. In the afternoon, the debates focused on current topics such as neutrality in the face of climate skepticism, the educational systems of tomorrow, the transition to digital sobriety, as well as the evaluation of new educational tools.

A rich and eclectic program, reflecting the diversity and richness of the CPIE network, which allowed all participants to leave with new ideas and inspiring perspectives.



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