Cyril Hanouna reads with emotion…

Cyril Hanouna reads with emotion…
Cyril Hanouna reads with emotion…

Strong emotion gripped the TPMP set when Cyril Hanouna read the moving letter from Matisse’s father, killed in Châteauroux.

On April 27, Matisse, a 15-year-old teenager, was fatally stabbed by another young person of the same age in Châteauroux, following an altercation after a freestyle rap battle.

Matisse’s father shared a moving letter on the set of TPMP on April 30, expressing his pain and choosing to live in honor of his son’s memory rather than giving in to hatred.

Reports reveal that the attacker, Akmal, had a personality disorder and was under medication, which may have influenced his violent behavior.

The crime gripped the whole of France with fear. Saturday April 27, Matisse, 15, was killed with a knife by a teenager of the same age. The events took place in a town in Châteauroux, in Indre. The first elements of the investigation highlighted the circumstances of the murder. An altercation allegedly broke out between the two college students after a freestyle rap battle.

In a fit of anger, Akmal (first name has been changed), allegedly went to get a knife in his building before attacking Matisse. Stabbed, the victim then fell to the ground. The report indicates that the young man, seriously injured in the chest, died after arriving at the hospital. Matisse leaves behind an inconsolable father.

The moving letter written by Matisse’s father

The emotion seized the TPMP plateau this Tuesday, April 30 at the reading of the moving letter from Matisse’s dad. “My cat, my big otter, as usual, needs to write. You didn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves thisbut especially not you […] You know, strangely, for some time now I’ve started thinking about death. The death of a loved one, of those we love and working on it […] So today, today that you are gone, I know that you are not suffering and that as this horror happened very quickly, you did not suffer too much… From there, what remains? We still have your memory, we still have these 15 wonderful years spent with you. Two solutions… Moping around, choosing hatred, anger, which would be completely legitimate but which would be even more painful and would lower us to the level of the two monsters who coldly murdered you? writes the man in question, Christophe M.

The grieving father continues: “No, cat, because we are not animals, and that would be so unlike you!!! No cat, you know me, my scoundrel, I’m going to choose option 2, I will live for you and laugh in your memory, because what fun could we have, my son, p*****! […] So we will adapt, humans are like that, it will obviously be complicated, but we will get there, for you and your memory! […] If you saw the world here that loves you and is behind you, it’s incredible, cat, the country is behind you! My big otter… […] Here, my cat, this little note to tell you I love you, to tell parents to watch their children, because life is fragile, and that I will miss you forever… I LOVE YOU”.

Under what circumstances did Matisse die?

Three days after the incident, the brother of Matisse’s alleged murderer came out of the silence. According to information collected from key witnesses, Akmal would have lost control after losing a bare-knuckle fight against the son of Christophe M., who then allegedly pronounced insults judged “racial” by his interlocutor. “My brother couldn’t bear to have received blows from Matisse, confides Sahil, 18 years old, in the columns of Parisian. His nose bled and it drove him crazy. He went to get a knife and wanted revenge.”

A Source close to the matter suggests thatAkmal presents personality disorders. Matisse’s alleged assassin had recently been taking medication to regulate his sudden mood swings. The young man was also under judicial control since his indicted less than a week ago in the context of a case of gang robbery at knifepoint.



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