Restaurant: why is it cheaper at lunchtime than in the evening?

Restaurant: why is it cheaper at lunchtime than in the evening?
Restaurant: why is it cheaper at lunchtime than in the evening?

Lunch at a restaurant costs less than dinner there.

But then, why are restaurants cheaper at lunchtime than in the evening?

Lunch at a restaurant costs less than dinner there. But then, why are restaurants cheaper at lunchtime than in the evening? First of all, an observation, as the video at the top of this article reminds us: the clientele is different at lunchtime and in the evening.

For lunch, the restaurant’s main target is employees on their lunch break. For them, eating out is quicker and often more regular. Consequence: customers stay at the table for less time. Here, we’re talking about work, and there’s not enough time. “An hour and a half, maximum”assures a customer.

Daily specials with cheaper raw materials at lunchtime

In the kitchen, we also adapt to this busy clientele with a slightly tighter budget. The solution for the chef: offer a dish of the day using cheaper raw materials.

“We will never have beef fillet, we will never have veal chop on the daily menu. On the other hand, we are going to work with beef chuck; it will be a cut that is less expensive than rib beef for example”explains Nicolas Pascaud, chef of the restaurant “Le bistrot du potager”, in the 1 p.m. topic above.

The editorial staff of TF1info | TF1 report: Florian Chevallay and Anthony Cérronne



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