“I feel a feeling of extreme loneliness”

“I feel a feeling of extreme loneliness”
“I feel a feeling of extreme loneliness”

Many consider you the last living French icon. What does this inspire you?

Frankly, I feel a feeling of extreme loneliness!

Who is the real Brigitte Bardot? That of the cinematographic years? That of his various and numerous fights in favor of animal protection in particular? Both at the same time? Another one ?

You know, each personality is made up of several facets and, anyway, we all evolve in life.

With everything you have undertaken to defend the animal cause, do you consider today that your life is accomplished?

Certainly not. It’s very simple, I’m starting from scratch, since I have only obtained crumbs in fifty years of fighting.

At this moment, your struggle includes the fate reserved for Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd movement, which has long been committed to the protection of whales and to which you provide unwavering support. Arrested in Greenland last July, he is accused of “complicity in aggression” and “trespassing on a Japanese whaling ship” in 2010. What are your feelings about this affair?

I fear the worst for Paul. Extradition to Japan would amount to a death sentence.



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