who are the two new government ministers?

who are the two new government ministers?
who are the two new government ministers?

Appointed six days after Michel Barnier’s government team, the two new ministers were to join the government seminar underway Friday afternoon with the Prime Minister, Matignon said.

A historic Macronist who has been with Horizons in recent days, MP Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq is recovering a portfolio left without allocation during the first round of appointments on Saturday, which had led to a revolt in the sector.

Member of the North and Macronist since 2017, the 47-year-old parliamentarian held the key position of president of the Social Affairs Committee of the Assembly between September 2023 and June 2024, after the appointment to the government of her predecessor Fadila Khattabi.

Jean-Louis Thiériot to “support our Veterans”

Aged 55, Jean-Louis Thiériot is an LR deputy for Seine-et- and had been tipped for several days to take the Veterans Affairs portfolio, alongside Sébastien Lecornu.

“I know I can count on you to support our Veterans, bring Memory to life, and participate in the territorial and international influence of the ministry,” reacted the Minister of the Armed Forces on X.



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