Victims of sexual abuse react to Pope Francis’ apology: for some it’s positive, for others “nothing changes”

Victims of sexual abuse react to Pope Francis’ apology: for some it’s positive, for others “nothing changes”
Victims of sexual abuse react to Pope Francis’ apology: for some it’s positive, for others “nothing changes”

Pope Francis has asked for forgiveness from victims of sexual abuse within the church. He called the actions a “disgrace,” words never used before. But how do the people concerned react?

The victims of sexual abuse present did not applaud the arrival of Pope Francis in Laeken. The image speaks for itself. Then, they listened attentively as the Holy Father declared that these attacks are a shame and that the Church must ask for forgiveness. Emmanuel was the target. He gives his first impressions. “I’m somewhat pleasantly surprised that attention was paid to the victims. I also think that the evil has been identified to a certain extent, that he has said that it is no longer possible to look away“, indicates Emmanuel Henckens, victim of sexual abuse.

Nothing changes.

Others are much less satisfied with the pope’s words. This is the case of Gabriel, abused at the age of 13 by an abbot at school. He believes that he has not gone far enough. “If you listen, nothing changes. In fact, John Paul II did nothing. This one speaks. Except for the fact that he asks for forgiveness, which is nice. He sent me his apostolic nuncio in 2022, I believe, to tell me the same thing. But there is nothing that changes in the way he perceives us, the way he addresses us. He does not come to propose concrete things“, specifies Gabriel Fripiat, also a victim of sexual violence.

On the side of the Secular Action Center, we take note of the Pope’s words. But these are actions that are expected: “1. Radically support victims in their reconstruction. 2. To prevent so that there is no longer this sexual violence within the institution. 3. To punish and put aside these pedophile priests“, declared the deputy director of the study center of the Secular Action Center.

If the road to forgiveness and reconciliation is still long, the Pope’s message has been heard by the victims.

Sexual violence within the Church Visit of Pope Francis to Belgium



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