Amandine Pellissard accuses a homeowner of taking advantage of his notoriety to increase prices

Amandine Pellissard accuses a homeowner of taking advantage of his notoriety to increase prices
Amandine Pellissard accuses a homeowner of taking advantage of his notoriety to increase prices

Today at 08:30 – by Laetitia Azi

Following a mishap when booking accommodation in , Amandine Pellissard accuses a landlord of trying to defraud her because of her notoriety.

The misadventure continues for Amandine Pellissard. While she was organizing a trip to Paris, the mother of nine children faced an unfortunate situation. For her trip, Alexandre Pellissard’s wife had booked accommodation for which she had been asked to pay additional fees, which she refused. “I sent a message to the owner to tell him that I did not agree to pay more because I already paid the price that was displayed the moment I booked,” she had justified herself. The owner of the establishment had assured his client that this error was “the fault of [la plateforme]” and had promised to reimburse her if she cancelled her reservation and someone else came to the apartment on the same dates. But this Tuesday, September 17, it is a “pure and simple scam” which Amandine Pellissard denounced regarding this affair. “I think it’s no coincidence that he allowed himself to ask for more money after I had already paid the rent.”she accused the owner who apparently recognized her.

Amandine Pellissard accuses the owner of a property she had reserved of fraud

To defend her case, Amandine Pellissard revealed her discussions with the owner of the accommodation. “I look forward to receiving your complaint. Your story of filing a complaint sounds like your story about the university hospital, from what I can see… Do you really think you’re creating bad publicity? Do you think you’re Nabilla or Kim Kardashian?”he wrote to the mother discovered in Large families. A message that made him suspect a scam. “The guy is harassing me now. In fact, he knew who I was from the beginning, hence the sudden increase in the rate after payment, the lie when I cancelled and he rebooked without reimbursing me despite his written commitment to do so”she commented on the situation.

Amandine Pellissard warns Internet users after being the victim of a scam

Having not found a way to get her money back for the moment, Amandine Pellissard has warned Internet users. “Never rent this accommodation. Many of you warned me from the beginning about this gentleman’s poor workmanship, so I don’t want you to get taken in like that.”she said, displaying the establishment’s reservation page. “A priori, some have found the accommodation and he has put it unavailable for all future dates. Monsieur is not likely to take responsibility”she informed about the sudden unavailability of the accommodation.

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