the mother of a schoolgirl victim of violence testifies • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

the mother of a schoolgirl victim of violence testifies • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision
the mother of a schoolgirl victim of violence testifies • TNTV Tahiti Nui Télévision

“My daughter, she is 12 years old, she is at Paea middle school and she was attacked a few days ago.

She was forced to fight and if she didn’t, she was the one who picked up the pieces. It’s just for fun, to see who’s strong. She had a retinal detachment two years ago, she had surgery.

A major operation. When I saw the video, that she hit my daughter in the eye, I cried. I went to the police station, I took my daughter to the doctor first, and after that, she was diagnosed with trauma. Since it didn’t happen in the school, for them, it’s not their responsibility.

Since it didn’t happen in college, it’s not their responsibility.

I went to file a complaint with the police. My daughter is a shy girl, she doesn’t look for trouble. The day of the attack, she withdrew into herself.

Fortunately, I know my daughter, I know how she is, her attitude had changed since that day. The violence has escalated, school is not made to go and fight, to show who is the strongest.

Terainui Hamblin Ellacott of the Anti-Violence Collective:
“It doesn’t only happen to other people”



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