Ursula von der Leyen unveils new European Commission team

Ursula von der Leyen unveils new European Commission team
Ursula von der Leyen unveils new European Commission team

In , on the sidelines of the Parliament’s plenary session, Ms von der Leyen presented her cast of commissioners – one from each member state.

The future European executive currently has 11 women for 16 men, or 40%, a figure below the promised parity. The Commission President stressed a rebalancing in the final stretch, but there is “still work to be done”, agreed the German leader, after several weeks of controversy on the subject.

Hadja Lahbib proposed for humanitarian aid

Hadja Lahbib inherits the portfolio of humanitarian aid, crisis preparation and management, and civil protection. Skills that would seem to be relatively familiar territory for the current Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“This is a portfolio that will focus on resilience, preparedness and civil protection,” commented Ursula von der Leyen during her presentation to the press, focusing the Belgian’s work on crisis management and humanitarian aid.

Also read
European Commission: Hadja Lahbib proposed for humanitarian aid and crisis management

The Frenchman Stayed in Industry

The head of French diplomacy, Stéphane Séjourné, close to Emmanuel Macron, will take over a key portfolio for industrial strategy within the new European Commission.

The new commissioner, chosen at the last minute to the detriment of the outgoing Thierry Breton, will be responsible for the recovery of European industry, a major priority for the coming years. He will inherit the title of executive vice-president.

Also read
European Commission: Macron swaps Breton to replace Séjourné

Italian Fitto, Meloni’s Minister, Gets Vice-Presidency

Italian Raffaele Fitto, Minister for European Affairs in the far-right government of Giorgia Meloni, has been appointed Vice-President of the European Commission, despite criticism from the left and centre of the European political spectrum.

The announced appointment to this post of this member of Ms Meloni’s post-fascist Fratelli d’Italia (FDI) party has in recent weeks provoked an outcry among left-wing and centrist forces in the European Parliament, where his hearing promises to be stormy.

Spaniard Teresa Ribera on the ecological transition

Spain’s Ecology Minister Teresa Ribera has been given a broad portfolio dedicated to the “clean, fair and competitive” ecological transition in the new European Commission.

The 55-year-old socialist, close to Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, will be executive vice-president in the new team, the German leader said.

Also read
New Commission: a college in line with the priorities of the legislature

Lithuanian Kubilius at the Defense

Lithuanian Andrius Kubilius has been appointed European Commissioner for Defence and Space, a new position created by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in the face of the Russian threat and the war in Ukraine.

A former two-time prime minister, credited with his country’s economic recovery during the 2008 financial crisis, he will have to strengthen defence in Europe, a priority of the new Commission. But the extent of his responsibilities, and the means at his disposal, remain to be specified.

After this presentation of Ursula von der Leyen’s team, the potential commissioners will have to pass hearings before MEPs and submit to a vote of approval, an institutional arm wrestling match with the Parliament which often wants to mark its territory by rejecting certain candidates.

“It’s like taking an exam,” to prepare, the commissioner must review the “briefing book”, a “bible” on the action of the previous commission and what the objectives are, says a close friend of an outgoing commissioner.

Several MEPs would like to bring down the Hungarian candidate, accused of not listening to the European Parliament and being too close to the positions of the nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban.



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