Fire in Portugal: Europe sends reinforcements to fight the fires

Fire in Portugal: Europe sends reinforcements to fight the fires
Fire in Portugal: Europe sends reinforcements to fight the fires

Two Spanish planes are arriving in Portugal today to fight the fires raging in the country as part of the European Civil Protection Mechanism, a Source from the Interior Ministry (MAI) told Lusa.

In addition to these two heavy aircraft from Spain, two other aircraft from are also expected in Portugal, according to AMI.

A Source from the Civil Protection Department told Lusa that Italy and Greece have also expressed their willingness to support Portugal, with two planes each, bringing to eight the total number of planes that can arrive in Portugal through the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

The reinforcement of these eight firefighting aircraft follows the request addressed to the European Union, while several fires are raging in the country, particularly in the district of Aveiro.

On Sunday, the government declared a state of alert for the entire continent until 11:59 p.m. Tuesday due to the increased risk of rural fires.

The AMI Source also told Lusa that the Secretary of State for Civil Protection, Paulo Ribeiro, is monitoring the situation at the National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC).

According to the latest ANEPC report, at the end of the morning there were 36 active fires, which mobilized more than 2,100 agents, supported by 645 vehicles and 32 aircraft.

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