Former BBC star Huw Edwards convicted of possessing child pornography

Former BBC star Huw Edwards convicted of possessing child pornography
Former BBC star Huw Edwards convicted of possessing child pornography

Former BBC presenter Huw Edwards was given a six-month suspended sentence for possession of child pornography on Monday (September 16). The sentence also includes a mandatory treatment order.

Edwards, 63, pleaded guilty in July, avoiding a lengthy and public trial. He had initially faced a hefty 10-year prison sentence.

The Westminster Magistrates Court judge took into account his psychological problems as well as his “genuine remorse”, in line with the prosecution's recommendations.

During the hearing, Edwards' lawyer stressed that his client fully acknowledged the “disgusting nature” of the images and said he was “deeply sorry.” “He has betrayed the inestimable trust of so many people,” he added.

Huw Edwards was an iconic figure in the British media landscape, having worked for the BBC for decades. His career collapsed abruptly in the summer of 2023 after revelations by the tabloid The Sun.

In June 2024, new charges were brought against him, relating to 41 images received between December 2020 and August 2021, some showing a child aged between 7 and 9.

Edwards' lawyer said he did not share the images. However, the investigation found they were “clearly sent with Mr Edwards' consent”.

The BBC was criticised for its handling of the scandal following the affair, and an internal investigation found failings in the way it handled complaints about staff behaviour.

The Huw Edwards affair has also revived memories of the Jimmy Savile scandal, which had already shaken the BBC. British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he was “shocked and appalled” by the revelations.



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