DayFR Euro

Fatal shots from Lamparo: opening of a judicial investigation

Following the shots fired Monday evening around 11:30 p.m. at “Lamparo” in , the prosecution decided to open “a criminal judicial investigation of attempted murder and murder ” indicated at the end of the evening and Christmas Eve Nicolas Septe, the public prosecutor of Ajaccio..
Still according to information provided by the prosecutor “at this stage of the investigation, the person identified as the perpetrator is believed to be around forty years old and is actively sought by the judicial police services.“.

In the same communication, the Ajaccio Public Prosecutor's Office asks anyone likely to advance the investigation to provide their assistance to the services responsible for the investigations.
Despite the perfectly legitimate emotion and sadness resulting from this criminal act, any person who has information to provide to the investigators is asked to contact the Ajaccio judicial police services and not to interfere in the investigation currently being followed by the investigating magistrate“.

According to the same source “the investigations are numerous and are progressing quickly”.
Several avenues are being explored in order to arrest as quickly as possible the person identified as having been at the origin of this criminal act.
Psychological support was also offered to the families of the victims through CORSAVEM
The autopsy of the young firefighter who died following the fatal shooting will take place Thursday.


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