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Storm Caetano. Monster traffic jams in this Thursday due to the closure of the bridges

Saint-Nazaire and Cheviré bridges closed part of the day due to the wind, Anne-de-Bretagne bridge under work… In , traffic is very complicated on the roads this Thursday, November 21. Added to this is a big mess at the station with the cancellation of many trains.

The closure of the Cheviré bridge, due to the wind, is causing huge traffic jams in the streets of central Nantes. | JÉRÔME FOUQUET/WEST-FRANCE


  • The closure of the Cheviré bridge, due to the wind, is causing huge traffic jams in the streets of central Nantes. | JÉRÔME FOUQUET/WEST-FRANCE

Cars moving forward millimeter by millimeter, insults, horns… Car traffic congestion is generating tensions this Thursday evening, November 21, in Nantes. Traffic has rarely been so complicated. It is largely explained by the closures of the Saint-Nazaire bridge and the Cheviré bridge due to the very strong gusts of wind from the Caetano storm. Added to this is the closure of the blue route in the country of Retz. Motorists wanting to cross the had no choice but to pass through the other Nantes bridges.

The state of car traffic on Google Maps, this Thursday, November 21, at 7 p.m., in Nantes. | GOOGLE MAPS
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The state of car traffic on Google Maps, this Thursday, November 21, at 7 p.m., in Nantes. | GOOGLE MAPS

It sometimes takes tens of minutes to advance just a few meters. The after-school leaders have been notified and expect to look after the children beyond 6:30 p.m. this Thursday. However, the two bridges of Saint-Nazaire and Cheviré reopened at the end of the day. But traffic shifts still have a very strong impact, at 7 p.m., in Nantes.

In addition to this, a power outage is causing major disruptions at Nantes station with numerous train cancellations.


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