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What about the Algerian President’s tour to Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman?.. This…

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune began his first foreign tour since his re-election for a second term as president of Algeria, to both the Republic of Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman.

Ambassador Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic in Egypt, explained that Presidents Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and Abdelmadjid Tebboune held in-depth discussions, which included confirming the depth and strength of the close historical relations between Egypt and Algeria, and the bonds of popular brotherhood rooted in history that unite the two countries. In this context, the two presidents affirmed Their keenness to continue the process of joint cooperation between the two countries and push it to broader horizons, in addition to continuing consultation and coordination on various regional and international issues.

In that context, the two presidents stressed the necessity of an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, and the implementation of humanitarian aid, stressing the responsibility of the international community to protect civilians from the grave attacks to which they are exposed. They also stressed the necessity of establishing an independent Palestinian state, along the lines of June 4, 1967, with its capital. East Jerusalem.

Following the talks between the Egyptian and Algerian presidents at the Ittihadiya Presidential Palace, President Tebboune confirmed that there is complete understanding and a desire to work together to realize new investments, especially in the fields of energy, housing and construction.

He explained that Algeria “welcomes Egyptian companies that want to invest in our country,” adding, “I have given the green light to the Minister of Housing to work with Egyptian companies in architecture and building new cities.”

In this context, the Algerian President expressed his hope that the joint supreme committee of the two countries would meet in early 2025 to study “the possibility of launching into a new phase of investment and exchange at all levels.”

Tebboune said: “Our relations with Egypt are strong and known to both the public and the private. They were built on strong fraternal foundations and a common struggle for more than seventy years, and we participated together in defending the components of the Arab nation,” reiterating, on the same occasion, his thanks to the Egyptian President, his people, and everyone who helped the blessed liberation revolution. .

Regarding the situation in Palestine, the Algerian President said: “Our hearts ache for the daily genocide and famine created by the Israeli occupation through scarcity of water, food, medicine, and the closure of hospitals,” which is “a complete genocide,” saluting the Palestinian people for their “steadfastness and endurance to remain in His land and not accepting displacement again.”

In this context, President Tebboune highlighted that Algeria, along with Egypt, is trying “to save the situation with President Sisi’s initiative to include the needs of the residents of the Gaza Strip while awaiting the final solution, which is for the Palestinians to manage their lands,” noting that Algeria is “working everything it can in the Security Council to reach a solution.” “Finally and stop this genocide.”

He stressed that Algeria’s position on the Palestinian issue “has not and will not change,” and that “the radical solution lies in establishing a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.”

Regarding the situation in Libya, President Tebboune renewed Algeria’s firm position regarding a “Libyan-Libyan solution” through holding legitimate elections in this country.

Regarding the situation in Sudan, President Tebboune expressed his “great regret for what is happening between the Sudanese brothers,” recalling that Algeria and Egypt “never intervened between the brothers except for the sake of reconciliation.”

For his part, President Sisi confirmed that during his discussions with the Algerian president, “ways to develop relations and cooperation between the two countries” were discussed, highlighting that the joint supreme committee of the two countries will hold its ninth session “soon” in Cairo in order to “adjust issues of greater cooperation.”

In this regard, President Sisi explained that “there are great opportunities for cooperation between Egypt and Algeria,” which constituted “the focus of the meeting that brought together members of the delegations of the two countries.”

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune is making an official visit to the Sultanate of Oman, the first by an Algerian president since the visit of the late President Chadli Bendjedid to power in 1990.

Observers view President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s visit as Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s choice of the Republic of Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman in his first foreign visits in his second term.

The leader of the Algerian opposition “Rashad” movement, Mohamed Larbi Zitout, mentioned in exclusive statements to… “Arabi 21”The main goal of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s visit to Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman is to confirm to Algerian public opinion and to a number of regional parties that the Algerian regime is not isolated, after the decline in its relations with Russia, , and a number of countries in the region, especially Mali and Niger.

Zitout said: “Abdel Majeed Tebboune’s visit to Egypt aims to confirm the convergence of the two regimes’ viewpoints regarding solutions in both Sudan and Libya, and both of them are concerned about the bad role that the UAE plays in the two countries without being able to state it publicly.”

He added: “Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s tour to both Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman is also a message to and Rabat, as it coincides with the visit of French President Emmanuel Macron to Morocco and his expected speech tomorrow, Tuesday, before the Moroccan Parliament, after a shift in the French position regarding the Sahara and its support for the option Autonomy… In this circumstance, the Algerian regime wants to confirm that it is still pivotal in the region, and that its relations exist with pivotal countries in it.”

Zitout stressed, “The Algerian regime is concerned not only with sending a message that it is not isolated regionally, but also with informing a number of parties that it is part of stability in the region, and that it does not carry any hostile policies against any party, except those who side with the opponents of the Algerian regime.”

He added: “We must remember that the Algerian regime provided and continues to provide aid to the Egyptian regime, including the loan that the Algerian regime provided to the Egyptian regime worth $3 billion immediately after Sisi’s coup, and the Egyptian regime has not returned it yet, and also the Algerian gas that still goes to Egypt at low prices.” Reduced, and there is now news about a new loan on very favorable terms… This is taking into account that the Algerian regime was the one who lifted the freeze on Egypt’s membership in the African Union, which occurred after Sisi’s coup against Dr. Morsi.”

Zitout considered that Abdel Majeed Tebboune’s talk about his willingness to participate in the management of the Gaza Strip after the war under the banner of friendly and brotherly countries, as a dangerous and unprecedented position in Algerian policies towards Palestine.

He said: “This position, which is unfortunately malicious, contradicts all previous Algerian positions since independence. Personally, I strongly condemn this position and consider it part of pleasing the occupation and its supporters,” as he put it.

In Rabat, the Moroccan writer and journalist Noureddine Lachhab confirmed in an interview with: “Arabi 21”“Talk that President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s visit to both Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman is part of incitement against Moroccan policies neither advances nor delays anything in Moroccan policies that are based on clear principles declared to all, and are based on not compromising on national sovereignty and the country’s territorial integrity.” “.

He added: “If the goal of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s visit to Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman is to transform President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s pledges to support Gaza and Palestine by persuading the Egyptians to open the borders with Gaza to build hospitals and deliver food and medicine to the people of Palestine to enable them to live and remain on their land. For displacement projects, this is something that no one can help but support and welcome,” he said.

Read also: Announcing the official results of the Algerian elections..Tebboune for a new term with 84.3% of the votes


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