DayFR Euro

The VAR steals the victory from Villarreal in the 87th minute

Figueroa Vazquez The direction of the match changed in the 87th minute. The referee who was relegated last year, at the controls of the VARestimated that a slight slap from Albiol to Bertug It was a penalty. A play that In football of the past it would have gone unnoticed and seen in slow motion it almost looks like aggression. Arambarri did not fail and stole a victory from Villarreal that he almost counted on. The yellow locker room was outraged. And Marcelino and Comesaña were happy after the game.

Until that moment the Submarine had been something better. He had the best opportunities, had been advanced through Comesaña and he had tied up a good Getafe. But This is what the Bordalás teams have. They fit together very little and that means they are in the game until the end. And in La Cerámica they took advantage of it with penalties ‘made in VAR’.

Comesaña had hit the target when García Verdura’s whistle was about to signal the passage through the locker room. Bordalás went to rest angry. The midfielder had sent it into the net after a semi-miss shot by Barry that confused the entire Azulona defense. But Someone had to have followed Comesaña there.

Before, Villarreal had been clearespecially in the head and foot Gueye. Also Cardonawhich was filled with the ball when the ball fell to him in the small area. But Getafe also pressed. Bertug, on the turn, and Arambarri were also very close to opening the scoring.

Bordalás said entrance to Alvaro and this one was about to agree with him a header that hit the post. At this moment the goalkeepers moment. Soria made Pape Gueye’s afternoon bitter and Conde made a save for Bertug who seemed to grab the three points for the yellow ones. But then came the play of the game. The VAR took two points away from a Villarreal that at least steps into the Champions League.

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Navarro (45′, Eric Bailly), Alvaro Rodriguez (45′, Christantus Uche), Peter Federico (67′, Álex Sola), Nicolas Pepe (68′, Elias Akhomach) Ramon Terrats (78′, Pape Gueye), Jeremy Pino (78′, Álex Baena), Allan Trace (91′, Carles Pérez), Nabil Aberdin (92′, Bertug Yildirim)


1-0, 43′: grocery store1-1, 86′: Arambarri


Referee: Victor García Verdura
VAR referee: Jorge Figueroa Vázquez, Daniel Jesús Trujillo Suárez
Albiol (22′, Yellow), Christantus Uche (22′, Yellow), Arambarri (35′, Yellow), Omar Alderete (46′, Yellow), Álex Baena (48′, Yellow), Equal (90′,Yellow), Kiko Femenía (93′, Yellow)



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