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TOP 14. Frustrated, does Racing 92 want to change the calendar (in favor of )?

Update : Speaking to Le Figaro, the president of Racing 92 Laurent Travers finally indicated that they will not ask to exchange dates with the National Rugby League. Now in a new turnaround, the reception of Stade Toulousain by Racing 92 should indeed take place in November.

What if it was one defeat too many? This Saturday, September 28, Racing 92 conceded a frustrating defeat in Créteil against Stade Rochelais (16-17). After the meeting, certain executives of the Ciel et Blanc club highlighted the frustration around this umpteenth poor performance far from their usual base, but still counting for a home meeting.

After the match, Frédéric Michalak was skeptical about the welcome given to his men on the lawn of the Dominique-Duvauchelle stadium.We were a bit like the stadium. That is to say, very sad, in a very sad atmosphere, with a very sad fanfare… We had to acclimatize and it took us a while”, confided the former opener of the XV of at a press conference.

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Unfortunately, Racing 92 will also play the match against RC in Créteil, on October 12. Then, the Altosequan club should reconnect with the La Défense Arena for a match, with the reception of the USAP at the end of October. Nevertheless, they will also quickly leave the place, never to return before the end of the year.

Indeed, the receptions at Stade Toulousain (November 30) and Harlequins (December 7) take place in parallel with events scheduled in the performance hall. For the European meeting, an alternative venue will have to be found, but for the Top 14 meeting, a new solution could be found.

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Racing 92 – or the other way around?

Racing 92 would have made a request to the National Rugby League to swap the reception at Stade Toulousain at the end of November with the trip of Ciel et Blanc to Haute-Garonne, normally expected in May. Studied by the League, according to comments revealed by Midi Olympique in recent days, this proposal has already been validated by Stade Toulousain!

For good reason, this meeting was a perilous trip, only a week after the end of the autumn international window and only a few days before the first Champions Cup matches. Undefeated for many months at Ernest-Wallon, Stade Toulousain surely sees a reception at this timing as an advantage to manage its workforce as best as possible.

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However, this game of chess could prove dangerous. Indeed, the return match between Toulouse and Racing 92 must take place on May 17 or 18, 2025, one week before a potential Champions Cup final. A contender for the title, Ugo Mola’s team could therefore put a thorn in their side for the future, in the event of qualification for the final. For Racing 92, no concert or event is planned for that date, but the Ile-de-France derby could be relocated to it. Racing 92 hosts the Stade Français Paris on the weekend of April 26, while a concert is organized at the Paris La Défense Arena.

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