Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay published a message on the occasion of Miraç Kandili and said, “I hope this holy night brings peace to all humanity and tranquility to hearts; “I hope it will reinforce the sense of unity and solidarity in our society,” he said.
Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay published a message on the occasion of the holy Miraç Kandili.
President Altay’s message is as follows:
“We are in the peace of meeting the night of Miraj, where our beloved Prophet made a spiritual journey from the Masjid al-Haram to the Masjid al-Aqsa and then to the sky.
Miraj means abandoning sadness, helplessness and hopelessness and setting off again, purification and renewal. Miraj is man’s journey to truth, his reunion with Almighty Allah.
Tawhid, one of the good news of Miraj Kandil; It beautifully emphasizes to us the importance of our unity and solidarity. The good news we have received from Gaza and Syria these days has concretely shown us the power of monotheism. From now on, we must unite our hearts with the torch of Tawhid and continue our spiritual rise.
-We must see the night of Miraj as an opportunity to end terrorism, violence, war and hostility that threaten the common peace of humanity.
Realizing that the world we live in is a means of testing; We must strive to create a society where we will be united by love and respect.
With these thoughts, I wish this holy night to bring peace to all humanity and tranquility to hearts; I hope that it will reinforce the sense of unity and solidarity in our society.
May our Mirac Kandil be blessed.”