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Drinking water in is massively contaminated by “eternal pollutants”, especially in

In , in 2020. Franck FIFE / AFP

In , contamination of drinking water by “eternal pollutants” (PFAS, for per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances) reaches unexpected levels. Two measuring campaigns, made public Thursday, January 23, and conducted separately by the association of Consumers UFC-Que Choisir and the Environmental NGO future generations on the one hand, and by the Eurofins analysis laboratory on the other, suggest That almost all French people are exposed to these toxic substances through drinking water, and in the vast majority of cases at rates exceeding the quality theoretical threshold.

In total, a hundred tap water samples have been taken from the main metropolitan areas and close rural areas, or not, industrial sites.

In the two surveys, trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) presents the highest concentrations in addition to being ubiquitous, a characteristic due to the ultra-crew-flower-fluor chain which constitutes it and makes it the smallest of the PFAS. The TFA has toxicity indices for the liver; Germany has proposed its classification as toxic to reproduction and a request is under study at the European Chemicals Agency.


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