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– Former presidents of the Republic benefit from this advantage.
“End of presidents’ benefits and former prime ministersit’s voted on and hop hop hop savings.” On French.
“There is no reason to maintain the resources of the Republic for citizens who no longer serve it on the grounds that they served it”is explained in the amendment tabled by the senator from Orne. Especially since the latter are “mostly multi-pensioners and generally following very numerous parliamentary or local mandates”the text continues. Former Presidents of the Republic and Prime Ministers “are not in great need of the Republic (…). I checked, no one is at the Restos du coeur”launched the senator during the session.
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A saving of 2.8 million euros thanks to the elimination of these advantages
The objective is clear: to save money. Nathalie Goulet puts them at 2.8 million eurosi.e. the amount of expenditure relating to former heads of state and former prime ministers in 2023. In detail, that year expenditure linked to former heads of government reached a total of 1.42 million euros, or 11% more than last year (1.28 million euros in 2022), according to a report published in November 2024, as part of the finance bill for 2025, by MP Marie-Christine Dalloz (Republican Right).
-Former Prime Ministers benefit from the provision ofa private secretary for a maximum period of ten years or until the age of 67 and a vehicle with a driver without time limit and on request. They may also have police protection for security reasons, which is provided by the National Police Protection Service (SDLP). The corresponding credits are managed by the Minister of the Interior and not by the government.
As for the former heads of state, a vehicle with driver is also made available to them. They also benefit from a cabinet of seven members and two service agents for the first 5 years after leaving the Elysée, then three members and a service agent. Furnished and equipped premises are offered. Furthermore, the costs linked to the former presidential function are covered by the State.
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The government against the suppression of the advantages of former Presidents and Prime Ministers
The last Prime Minister to leave office, Michel Barnier, was himself in favor of these efforts in a tense budgetary context. He had asked the former heads of government to “make an effort”. On the set of 8 p.m. from TF1, in November 2024, he suggested “make improvements to the state's lifestyle, be more sober and simpler”. An announcement which, according to him, was not “not just symbolic”.
For the moment, the government remains opposed to these savings. “It is appropriate, all the same, in a world as dangerous as ours, with delinquency on the ground or with international risks which can be aggression, espionage, that we imagine only former personalities who have occupied very important functions in the Republic can have a travel and especially protection service”justified the Minister responsible for Relations with Parliament, Patrick Mignola