Beware of scams. Parc Astérix filed a complaint after discovering around ten fraudulent sites imitating its official site to sell fake tickets to visitors. The amusement park received the first alerts during the Christmas weekend. Visitors called to report the appearance of a site very similar to that of the park, with a few differences, explains Damien Bancal, cybercrime expert.
“First, the totally ridiculous prices whose mission is to attract the buyer. Then, pay attention to the domain name, read it correctly. parcasté is the real address. Check carefully that there is not an 'i' missing for example. Then, third element, there is no possibility of contacting them. And then, an element that is very important is what several customers at Parc Astérix did, which is to call the official line,” he explains.
The park therefore received around ten calls and notified the police. Only problem, when the mirror site was removed, a second one appeared to take over. Parc Astérix therefore filed a complaint the same weekend with the cybercrime services who opened an investigation. To date, it is unknown how many people have fallen victim to these mirror sites. This is not the first time that cybercriminals have used this technique. Last summer, around thirty zoos in Europe were usurped.
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