While the Socialist deputies did not vote on the motion of censure tabled against the government of François Bayrou, the time seems to be for the settling of scores within the Socialist Party, reports Le Parisien. In his recent outings, François Hollande has notably minimized the role played by his First Secretary, Olivier Faure.
A political choice with serious consequences. While the non-vote of censure against the Bayrou government by the socialist deputies has quite annoyed many voices of La France insoumise (LFI), who evoke a fracture within the new Popular Front (NFP), this decision also seems to crystallize the tensions within the Socialist Party (PS). As reported The ParisianMonday January 20, the recent media outings of François Hollande, a supporter of non-censorship, aroused criticism from the leadership of the PS, after he openly tackled Olivier Faure. “Olivier Faure changed (strategy) and so much the better because it was, in this context, the only possible approach. (…) And even if it was laborious, he was tenacious“, commented the former head of state to La Tribune SundaySunday January 19.
In this interview, François Hollande also believes that the socialists now constitute “the central pole within the Assembly” et “have the key until 2027“. A statement which does not fail to irritate the supporters of the First Secretary of the PS. “It is not François Hollande who dictates the strategy of the PS“, pointed out MEP Chloé Ridel. “It was not François Hollande who brought us back to reason. It is an abuse of interpretation that he uses because he wants to regain leadership over the socialist family.“, adds MP Laurent Baumel to our colleagues.
A PS congress “before the summer”?
Demanding for many months the holding of a PS congress, even if he excludes taking the lead, François Hollande intends to weigh all his weight on the decisions of his political family between now and the next presidential election of 2027. Candidate for re-election, Olivier Faure intends to reveal the date of this congress in the coming days and its holding “before summer“. “It will be a question of resolving the debate between a return to the Hollande years and the Faure line“, summarizes Laurent Baumel. A vote which could sow new unrest within the PS.
-published on January 21 at 10:43 a.m., Quentin Marchal, 6Medias