In a new development in the case of the star Saif Ali Khan, the Indian police announced on Friday that the attacker who stabbed him is still free, and no one has been arrested in the case so far, which belies the allegations that the police arrested one of the suspects and are investigating him.
The police statement stated that the residential area where the Indian actor lives does not contain surveillance cameras inside or outside, which makes it impossible to track the stabber’s movements and find out where he fled, which caused a huge uproar in the media, considering that it is difficult to reach a solution to this crime.
Mumbai Police Deputy Commissioner Dixit Gedam also confirmed that the weapon used in the attack was not found either and that they had registered a complaint based on the statement of the star’s assistant.
He added: “The actor and the intruder quarreled, which led to the star being seriously injured and receiving the necessary treatment, and the investigation is still ongoing.”
Mumbai Police also extracted new footage from surveillance cameras at Khan’s residence in the upscale Bandra neighborhood, where initial reports indicate that the attack may have occurred due to theft. The thief is shown sneaking into the actor’s residence in Mumbai, covering his face with a piece of cloth, wearing a shirt and jeans, and carrying a bag on his back. What is noteworthy is that he was not masked and passed while looking at the camera.
-In addition, Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor, Khan’s wife, issued an official statement in which she reassured the public about her husband’s health condition, confirming that “he was injured in his arm during the accident, and is now undergoing surgery at Lilvati Hospital.”
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