Ultimately, François Bayrou stuck to his first idea: “Resume without suspending” pension reform, by entrusting social actors (unions and employers) with a three-month negotiation whose conclusions, in the event of agreement, will be transmitted to the Assembly. In the event of disagreement, the march towards the legal age of 64 will continue its course, or the government itself will take back certain “progress”, explained the Prime Minister this Wednesday. For Marylise Léon, the Prime Minister's decision constitutes a good “a break” and one “opportunity” to discuss arduousness, gender equality and the legal age. Even if the general secretary of the CFDT, France's leading union, knows that it will be «difficile».
Should we call you “Madame Cardinale”, since François Bayrou announced that you were going to participate in a “conclave”?
(Laughs) For us, this is the opportunity to finally put forward our concrete proposals. I am aware that it will be difficult, especially within a constrained budgetary framework. But debt reduction cannot be the sole prism of our discussions. The challenge is to meet social expectations. So the CFDT goes there to talk about work. The Prime Minister said that every subject