Big Brother, ‘the earpiece, the earpiece’: Beatrice Luzzi unmasks Cesara Buonamici?

Big Brother: Beatrice Luzzi mentions Cesara Buonamici’s earpiece and makes fans go wild: innocent joke or surprise jab?

During the last episode of Big Brothera curious moment took place that immediately captured the public’s attention, also because it didn’t happen in the house of the reality show but in the studio. It all started with a joke that Beatrice Luzzi he addressed to his colleague Cesara Buonamicireferring to an ‘earphone’. A reference that has certainly not gone unnoticed and which, indeed, has opened up social discussions to a series of assumptions about what really happens behind the scenes of the reality show. But then someone pointed out what the real function of the commentator’s earpiece is. But what really happened in the studios of the Casa Mediaset program? All we have to do is watch this new video to try to find out!

Read also: — Big Brother, Alfonso Signorini makes a joke but Cesara Buonamici reacts badly: ‘You’re a bad person’

Big Brother: what happened between Alfonso, Cesara Buonamici, Beatrice Luzzi and the headset

Let’s go in order and start from the beginning. During the episode of Big Brother which aired last night, at a certain point, Alfonso Signorini said some words towards one of his commentators.

I was observing that for a couple of weeks Buonamici hadn’t made a single mistake, I really asked what was happening“, began the host. And instead, it was the one who answered Beatrice Luzziwho replied: “the earpiece, the earpiece.. yes, you can also see it from the hair, cosmic energies“.


A polemical streak, that of Bea, towards her colleague. But someone pointed out something a little later: when Alfonso Signorini forgot to go into advertising, it was she who pointed it out to him.

That the headset is precisely for remedy the host’s memory?

Photo Credits: courtesy of the Mediaset press office




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