In 2002, Michel Fugain's life suddenly changed with the loss of his daughter Laurette, aged only 22. The young woman, full of dreams and projects, succumbs to leukemia after complications related to a bone marrow transplant. This unbearable drama puts a stop to the singer's career, unable to continue as if nothing had happened. However, despite the immense pain, the French artist finds the strength to rebuild himself, carried by the love and memories of his daughter.
Michel Fugain: his moving tribute to his daughter Laurette
This Friday, January 3, 2025, the emotion was palpable on the set of the show The Secret Boxbroadcast on France 3. Michel Fugain, invited by Faustine Bollaert, spoke with heartbreaking sincerity of the tragedy that turned his life upside down in 2002: the loss of his daughter Laurette, victim of leukemia.
The singer, now 82 years old, revealed that he had chosen to place Laurette's ashes under an olive tree in Corsica, where he took refuge after this tragedy. “I had a first life, around Paris. This life has come to an end, triggered by the loss of a daughter, Laurette“he confided. A decision which reflects his need to reconnect with nature and find peace after this tragedy.
A meeting that changes everything
-Beyond mourning, Michel Fugain also shared a bright moment in his journey. Two months after saying goodbye to his daughter, the singer had a decisive meeting in a piano bar in Corsica. “I heard an incredible voice. Her name is Sanda and she has been my wife ever since.”he said with emotion. Sanda, whom he fondly calls “his mermaid”, played a crucial role in his return to life. “I sank and she grabbed me to bring me back to the surface. She saved my life.“, he added. Thanks to this unwavering love, Michel Fugain found the strength to continue.
The Fugain family forever marked
Laurette's death marked the Fugain family forever. If the pain united them in the first moments, their reactions diverged over time. Stéphanie Fugain, ex-wife of the singer, got involved in the Laurette Fugain Association to fight against leukemia, while Michel immersed himself in his profession before exile in Corsica.
This divergence caused tensions, particularly with Marie Fugain, Laurette's younger sister. In his book No one ever asked me how I waspublished in 2012, Marie expressed her incomprehension of her father's attitude. “He knows it very well, I was angry with him“, she confided in 2018.