According to the ambassador of the isthmus to the world organization, Eloy Alfaro de Alba, among the priority issues is the contribution to the resolution of conflicts that threaten peace in the world, regional issues such as irregular migration, monitoring the situation in Colombia and the crisis in Haiti.
Alfaro de Alba explained to the newspaper La Estrella de Panamá that until December 31, 2026, the country must respond with height to the role that corresponds to it as representative of Latin America and the Caribbean, replacing Ecuador, a position in which it has already been. Guyana since last year 2024.
Likewise, the addressing of issues that affect the Panamanian nation is not ruled out, such as climate change, which requires the mobilization of the inhabitants of the islands in the Guna Yala archipelago, the migration problem in Darién and the role of the Canal for the commerce and peace.
Regarding this last aspect that has received global attention, following the statements by the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, who hopes to regain control of the Canal, the diplomat indicated that he will take advantage of his participation in the Council against any threat that may violate the treaties. international organizations that granted the isthmus the administration of the interoceanic waterway and its operations.
This Thursday Alfaro de Alba will address the participants in the installation of the Panama flag, a ceremony that welcomes the five new elected members of the Security Council for the years 2025 and 2026, which are Greece, Denmark, Panama, Pakistan and Somalia.
Of the Council’s 15 members, only five are permanent: the United States, China, the United Kingdom, France and Russia.