Don Matteo beats Juve. Fagnani booms with Jovanotti, Floris doubles Berlinguer

The episode of ‘Don Matteo’ on Rai1 wins well but without overdoing it, dealing with the solid competition of Juve-Cagliari in the Italian Cup on Canale 5. The last episode of ‘Belve’ with Francesca Fagnani who he interviewed is very strong. Jovanotti, Vittorio Feltri and Taylor Mega. Floris hosts Augias and Nordio and clearly leaves Berlinguer with La Russa. The Italia 1 film was good.

Raoul Bova in the role of Don Matteo and then Francesca Fagnani, Thiago Motta, Giovanni Floris, Veronica Pivetti, Bianca Berlinguer. Fiction, football, many talks in the foreground on the evening of 17 December.

Raoul Bova

On the grid ‘Don Matteo’ on Rai1 and Juve-Cagliari in the Italian Cup on Canale5, which could aggregate a clearly prevalent quantity of the available audience.

On Rai3 the docufilms of ‘Amore Criminale’, on Italia 1 the first TV show of ‘The Boy and the Tiger’, therefore the typical Tuesday evening programs lined up in the talk show challenge.

Taylor Mega

On Rai2 ‘Belve’ proposed Lorenzo Cherubini aka Jovanotti and then Taylor Mega and Vittorio Feltri. It was not trivial to remain at the levels – if not at those of the debut – of the previous two episodes.

On Rete4 ‘It’s always Cartabianca’ focused on Mauro Corona, Ramy’s lawyer, Ignazio la Russa, Chiara Appendino, Claudio Borghi, Oscar Farinetti, Maurizio Belpietro, Concita de Gregorio, Andrea Scanzi, Alessandro Orsini, Annamaria Bernardini De Pace , Francesco Borgonovo, Marina La Rosa.

Carlo Nordio from Floris

‘DiMartedì’ on La7, in addition to Luca and Paolo, featured Corrado Augias, Alessandro Di Battista, Carlo Nordio, Roberto Gualtieri, Sergio Rizzo, Massimo Giannini, Elsa Fornero, Maurizio Landini, Carlo Rossella and many others. Here is how viewers’ choices were distributed according to Auditel.

Don Matteo also does his thing on Tuesdays. Juventus Cup a

On Rai1 on Tuesdays ‘Don Matteo’ achieved 4.189 million viewers and a 23% share. Seven days earlier the last episode of the fiction ‘Libera’ had attracted 3,150,000 spectators equal to a 17.6% share.

Don Matteo

On Canale 5, Juventus’s wide victory over Cagliari in the Italian Cup had 3.5 million viewers and a 17.2% share.

Dusan Vlahovic

Belve flies with Jovanotti and Taylor Mega distance beats political talk

On Rai2 the fifth episode of ‘Belve’, with Francesca Fagnani hosting, achieved 1.9 million and a 12.2% share. Seven days earlier with the Mammucari case it had had 1.817 million viewers and 10.6%; fourteen days earlier it had had 1.684 million and a 9.9% share with Sonia Bruganelli and Elisabetta Canalis interviewed.

Lorenzo Cherubini at Belve

Floris well with Augias, Nordio, Landini. Bianchina evil with Corona, La Russa and Marina La Rosa

On La7 ‘DiMartedì’ had 1.486 million viewers with 8.6% (seven days earlier at 1.38 million and 8%).

Floris has clearly separated itself from its most direct competition. On Rete4 ‘E’ Semper Cartabianca’ with Bianca Berlinguer as host attracted 617 thousand spectators with 4.4% (seven days earlier at 736 thousand and 5.1%).

On Italia 1 the first TV film ‘The Boy and the Tiger’ reached 1.155 million and 5.9%.

Furthermore, on Rai3, ‘Amore Criminale’ produced 813 thousand spectators with 4.4% (seven days before 896 thousand and 4.8%).



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