Hirscher misses 2nd run in Levi! ÖSV aces stumble

Hirscher misses 2nd run in Levi! ÖSV aces stumble
Hirscher misses 2nd run in Levi! ÖSV aces stumble

Austria’s slalom aces opened up a gap in the first round of the World Cup slalom in Levi.

2nd round from 1:00 p.m. in the LIVE ticker >>>

Manuel Feller is the best Austrian in 15th place (+1.18 seconds), but like almost all other Austrians, he makes mistakes on the icy slopes. Feller’s mistake at the end of the flat piece is particularly painful.

There is no second round for Marcel Hirscher. The 35-year-old, who is starting for the Netherlands, crossed the finish line 2.59 seconds behind on his comeback – and thus missed the top 30 by a long way in 46th place.

Several Austrians in the second round

Clement Noel set the fastest time in the first round. However, the Frenchman’s journey is not flawless either. Lurking behind Noel are Loic Meillard (SUI/+0.02), Steven Amiez (FRA/+0.21) and Linus Strasser (GER/+0.30).

Also taking part in the second round are Adrian Pertl (17th/+1.24), Dominik Raschner (21st/+1.49), Michael Matt (22nd/+1.54) and Joshua Sturm (25th/+ 1.70).

Johannes Strolz (+2.36) missed the second run after an incorrect ride.

Gstrein out, Hirschbühl disqualified

The first round also ended bitterly for comebacker Christian Hirschbühl, who appears to have qualified in 23rd place (+1.56), but was subsequently removed from the rankings due to a thread on the steep slope.

Fabio Gstrein is eliminated after just a few poles in the flat section.

Lucas Braathen (+0.86) is also showing off his comeback in the slalom and is in tenth place after the first run in Levi.

Glimmer of hope for the ÖSV athletes: The second round will be set by their own coach, Martin Kroisleitner.

These slalom highlights await the men in 2024/25

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