Niclas Matthei, Germany’s self-proclaimed advertising master, caused a sensation on social media with a video. The 18-year-old speaks into the camera in his usual outfit including a high-visibility vest and helmet and “orders” his followers to report illegal parking.
“Advertising Master” becomes “Advertising Chief”
Particularly striking: the advertising master’s distinctive facial hair. This is also the main topic in the comments. Some users are amused by the unusual look: “Advertiser main leader” and “The beard has been out of fashion since 1945” are written on X. Others react angrily. “You still have time to delete the video,” writes one Instagram user.
It remains to be seen whether the advertising master simply wants to generate attention or wants to take part in his own way in the “Movember” movement, in which men grow a mustache in November to draw attention to men’s health. In any case, thanks to his new look, Matthei’s statements leave an unpleasant impression.