“I accepted the honorable invitation of Director General Mária Schmidt and within the framework of the Foundation, my colleagues and I established the Free Europe Institute. With the establishment of the Institute, a new phase of a long-standing, close cooperation begins”
– wrote József Szájer in the XXI. In the announcement of the Century Institute.
Together with Szájer, the Free Europe Institute consists of three people and they intend to implement an “ambitious program”.
“We believe in the principle of European integration based on national sovereignty, we stand for freedom, we reject the idea of the United States of Europe and we agree with the Basic Law of Hungary, according to which the basis of European cooperation is the independence of the member states, in which the nations do not renounce their sovereignty in favor of the Union, but rather exercised jointly by EU institutions.”
The announcement detailed the important program points of the Free Europe Institute:
- development of an independent concept of Europe; since the French Fouchet plan born in the 1960s and inspired by President De Gaulle, there has not been a detailed program defining the development of the Union on a national basis, we want to fill this gap; the plan will also respond to the reform proposal created last year and concerning the future of the Union, prepared by German-French scientists;
- the development of a complex sovereignty index suitable for comparison for the member states of the European Union, their regular examination from the point of view of the assertion of sovereignty, and the assessment of threats to it;
- preparation of a draft Charter of the Rights of Nations; currently, only the charter protecting the rights of individuals exists among the Union’s constitutions, and this results in numerous imbalances and dysfunction affecting the operation of the Union.
The full announcement can be read here.