It's a magnificent day that Nantes will enjoy, where the sun will shine intensely. Temperatures will be 16°C. It will be 14°C on average in the morning. An east wind will blow lightly. Temperatures will rise a few degrees during the afternoon. The maximums may reach 20°C and the minimums will be 15°C. The sky will be quite bright, with some clearing in the evening. The thermometer will display 14°C on average. While you sleep, during the night from Monday to Tuesday, the sky will be clear.
Tomorrow, Nantes will find itself below values of around 16°C. A southeast wind will cool the atmosphere somewhat. Young and old will be able to spend their morning under a slightly cloudy sky. This afternoon will rhyme with plenty of sunshine. Warmer weather is expected as the mercury will record an increase. Temperatures will be between 16 and 20°C. After a quick cloudy spell, the weather should improve during the evening. We anticipate values around 15°C.
Few changes over the days. Expect 16°C on average which will accompany sunny days.