The release of the Amazon Prime series was an opportunity to re-establish some truths about what really happened before during and after the swimming pool sequence in “Loft Story”.
TELEVISION – A legendary sequence, several versions. Event release in France, the series Worship returning to the genesis of the show Loft Story could not avoid one of the most famous sequences of the PAF: the famous scene “ torrid » from the swimming pool with Loana and Jean-Édouard.
A sequence on which some of the main stakeholders were invited to return during a visit to the set of C l'Hebdo this Saturday, November 2 on France 5. Because a lot of things are said and shown in the Amazon Prime series, but not everything is necessarily true, as Jean-Édouard Lipa and Steevy Boulay confided.
First three, then two
Candidates for the first French reality TV show, the two former participants of Loft Storyaccompanied by the former editor-in-chief of the show Angela Lorente explain that the episode devoted to the famous swimming pool affair and the management of the rapprochement between Loana and Jean-Edouard does not always correspond to the reality of the facts.
« It's true that at the beginning there are three of them, with Steevy. But if you leave the pool, is it because you're called to the confessional? You wanted to stay! », asks presenter Aurélie Casse. “ No, then that's false. In the series, it's like that in this case, but the series remains only fiction », replies Steevy Boulay.
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« So everyone's free interpretation, but in reality, I was actually in the swimming pool with Loana and Jean-Edouard and I simply had to pee », he adds, amused.
Asked if he had regretted this departure, the former protégé of Laurent Ruquier affirms that he would not have “ didn't do much either with Loana or with Jean-Édouard. Me, I was a fuse to blow”.
« We never made love in this pool”
Jean-Édouard then takes the opportunity to reestablish another truth, somewhat forgotten by the series. “ First of all, what needs to be put in its place is that we never made love in this swimming pool. “, he says.
Relaunched on the aspect “ torrid » of the sequence, Jean-Édouard indicates that he “ rather the impression of suffering there, but with a certain pleasure ”, before adding that “ We’re kissing and nothing’s happening.” “Something happened after “, he admits.
The former candidate especially wishes to recall that at the time, this “ is not supposed to be filmed “, because the candidates had been assured that ” this kind of images would not be broadcast “. Moreover, ” we had drunk a lot just before “, he assures. A desire from production to help acclimatize the candidates, who have only been in the Loft for three days.
In the series, actress Marie Colomb and Victor Poirier play Loana and Jean-Édouard. And in an interview for Allocinatedthe actress explains that for this “ famous » scene the two actors simply “ watched and reproduced » images to recreate on screen the first television shock caused by reality TV in France.
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