The duel between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris tends to overshadow another major election: the congressional elections. Next Tuesday, Americans will elect 34 senators out of 100 and all 435 members of the House of Representatives.
“It is important to remember that every two years in the United States, the entire House of Representatives and a third of the Senate are renewed.recalls Serge Jaumain, professor of contemporary history and co-director of the ULB Center for the Study of the Americas in The Keyson La Première. We understand that senatorial mandates are longer-term mandates. It is a desire to have a Senate that is a little calmer, a little less heated, because the House of Representatives is almost in an election all the time, ultimately.“
Congress develops and votes on laws, validates the budget, and plays an important role in trade and defense policies. He must also confirm the appointment of certain senior officials, such as the judges of the Supreme Court, the highest judicial body in the United States, strongly influenced by the right since the appointments decreed by former President Donald Trump.