A whale swims in the Seine between and : how to explain it?

A whale swims in the Seine between and : how to explain it?
A whale swims in the Seine between Rouen and Le Havre: how to explain it?


Eloise Aubé

Published on

Oct 17, 2024 at 12:05 p.m.

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A cetacean measuring several meters in the Seine. If some see this as the scenario of a futuristic film, it is nevertheless a reality.

In 2022, an orca and a beluga whale were observed in the river and their outcome was tragic. Since October 12, 2024, a humpback whale has been observed. According to the latest observations from the GECC (Study Group of Cetaceans of the Cotentin and Marine Mammals of the Channel) Normand, the cetacean is currently found on the side of Vatteville-la-Ruenot far from Caudebec-en-Caux.

But how can we explain that a marine mammal of this size can be found in the Seine? Elements of response.

Little information on the health of the animal

It is difficult at the moment to know the reasons why the animal is present in the river. In 2022, the state of health of the orca and the beluga led them to the Seine. “ They were in poor condition. And when an animal is in this state, it can let itself drift,” says 76actuMaïlys Baudoint, head of the GECC observer network.

We currently have too little information regarding her state of health but a priori, it does not seem worrying since she is moving around well.

Maïlys Baudoint
head of the GECC observer network

Global warming to blame?

The increasing temperature of the water, linked to global warmingcan it be at the origin of this trajectory? Not necessarily. “It is often the presence of prey that directs the whales,” notes the manager.

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Generally, humpback whales have a seasonal migration. As winter approaches, they leave from the North Sea towards the Antilles to breed and generally pass near Ireland.

“A whale in the Seine is quite improbable and not normal because it is not their natural environment,” explains Maïlys Baudouint.

What is a humpback whale?

Its name comes from the presence of a bump of fat in front of its dorsal fin. It measures on average 14 meters long and can weigh around 30 tonnes. She can live on average up to 60 years.

Whales not so rare in the English Channel

In 2024,five humpback whales were observed in the English Channel, details the GECC, in particular one off the coast of Étretat.

In the meantime, the cetacean is being observed closely. A national working group has been formed to monitor his movements and the port authorities have been notified

Practical information
You can report the humpback whale if you see it to Pelagis 05 46 44 99 10 or the GECC

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