Barnier concerned about the lack of “solidarity” in his coalition

Barnier concerned about the lack of “solidarity” in his coalition
Barnier concerned about the lack of “solidarity” in his coalition

Prime Minister Michel Barnier expressed his “concern” on Wednesday about the lack of “solidarity” of the “different entities” of his coalition, which led to the surprise election of a rebellious MP Aurélie Trouvé as president of the Affairs Committee. economic affairs of the National Assembly, we learned from the entourage of the head of government.

According to this same source, the Prime Minister “indicated his concern regarding the solidarity of the different entities of the common base which was ultimately not there”, while EPR (ex-Renaissance) and DR (ex-LR), allies within the government, each presented a candidate, Stéphane Travert and Julien Dive.

A tension that continues to rise

“The Prime Minister will continue to work with the government on cohesion and action on the common base in the National Assembly and the Senate to address the country’s challenges,” added his entourage, specifying that Michel Barnier had congratulated Bruno Fuchs (MoDem) for his election to the presidency of the Foreign Affairs committee and Frédéric Valletoux (Horizons) to that of Social Affairs. Tension had risen in recent days between the Ensemble pour la République (EPR) group, chaired by Gabriel Attal, and that of the Republican Right (DR), led by Laurent Wauquiez.

The right demanded a commission presidency in the same way as its new allies within the coalition and left the threat of presenting three candidates against those of the macronie, to block their path. In the end they only presented a candidate to the Economic Affairs Committee.

But in the third round, if Julien Dive (LR) withdrew his candidacy, the right-wing elected officials did not support Stéphane Travert (related to EPR). Most abstained and one voted for the rebellious Aurélie Trouvé according to a statement from Julien Dive to the press following the vote.

It was therefore the LFI MP who won to everyone’s surprise with 27 votes against 25 for Stéphane Travert. RN candidate Frédéric Falcon lost two votes between the second and third rounds, which according to several RN sources went to Mr. Travert.



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