Julien Doré, sponsor of CAP48, and Sacha will meet you this October 6 for the big closing evening on the front page: “This moment is precious”

Before the big closing evening on October 6, Julien Doré wanted to meet one of the witnesses of the great RTBF solidarity operation: Sacha, 20 years old, deaf since birth. Ciné-Télé-Revue was behind the scenes of this special moment.

RTBF/Martin Godfroid
Published on 06/10/2024 at 1:20 p.m.
Par Antonella Soro


Reserve your evening of October 6 at CAP48 because other gifted and sparkling artists are joining forces with this cause. Anne-Laure Macq and Maureen Louys will host this grand bonus during which big names will follow one another. Lara Fabian responded, Slimane will return to the Media Rives studio. Marc Lavoine will unveil his new musical project. The prodigious and adorable Héléna, ex-Star Academy, will ignite the audience. Barbara Pravi, who we discovered with Eurovision, will sing her new single. Rori, the rising star of the Belgian scene, couldn’t miss this meeting either. The show will also be provided by the 46 dancers in perfect synchronization from the “Murmuration” show, a truly hypnotic visual experience. Not to mention the Backpackers Sébastien Nollevaux and Raphaël Scaini at the end of their journey. In short, we guarantee that you won’t miss the evening. And above all: to make a donation, call 0800/94 881 or connect via the website www.cap48.be

This grand bonus will combine music, entertainment, life stories and inspiring journeys. Sacha, 19 years old, deaf from birth, on the cover of “Ciné-Télé-Revue” and in the campaign videos, will join Julien Doré on set. You will see how comfortable he is. Sacha is a regular at CAP48, he notably went on the prime stage to explain his experience to Kev Adams, sponsor of a previous edition. But if he is so comfortable in his sneakers, it is because a long road dotted with laughter and tears, with a heart that swells with joy or which tightens with despair has led him to where he is today. today.

Sacha was born with an inner ear malformation. At two years old, he didn’t speak because he couldn’t hear… He was immediately fitted with a hearing aid, he learned to cope with his difference. It is not obvious, he has to turn around or approach him to see his hearing aids. Without them, Sacha lives in silence. “It’s important for me to participate in CAP48 to help other people and show that deafness isn’t just about hearing less well, it’s about being confronted with things that aren’t simple,” insists -he. Imagine that you shouted at Sacha to move away because a car could hit him… he would not react to the danger… Imagine that he is at the table during a family meal where the voices are telescoped, he is in a bubble . His disability is invisible, but it could be an isolating factor.

Julien admits to having been confronted with this other world of disability on the front line: “One of my family members suffered from an extremely severe disability and I visited him very regularly in the center where he was. He died a few years ago, but when I was little I have specific memories of this place which welcomed people with severe disabilities. It was a big part of my childhood and adolescence. And more recently, my mother had an accident in her life which meant that she suffered the after-effects for many months afterwards. Unfortunately, the after-effects did not bring her back to me as I knew her and did not keep her alive… When I went to visit her during the last months of her life in a rehabilitation center, the discussions with her were impossible. » Then there was his participation in the Papotin meetings. He came out of this interview by atypical journalists with something extra: “I had the feeling of being perfectly understood in my sensitivity, in what I shared. The exchange with them was extremely fluid and fair, much more so than in some cases with people that society calls normal. I said to myself: but it’s surprising how society can marginalize people who ultimately resemble me much more than most people who supposedly don’t have this handicap. Above all, I understood that normality was a rare stupidity, we are all unique, made of differences, sometimes with more difficulties, but normality does not exist. »

Removing the blinders, contributing to a world that is not divided by labels… these words resonate deeply with Julien Doré, they are the heart of his motivation for this sponsorship and we can read it in his eyes when he recalls the particularity of schooling. This tall young man, now in his second year in audiology, attended a unique establishment of its kind: the Sainte-Marie school in Namur, which has set up inclusive education for the deaf and hard of hearing. All lessons are given simultaneously in sign language. Deaf and hearing people are therefore in the same classes. “We go to school with the same serenity as a hearing person. If I hadn’t followed this program, it would have been really difficult for me. Reading lips constantly would have required a lot of energy. And then, it’s reassuring to see that there are other people like you, to see that everyone has their own path to accepting their disability, it gives impetus to move forward,” explains Sacha.

“This schooling is precious for hearing children,” Julien responds. “Because there is a richness in this journey where everything has meaning. Because they have grown up finding it normal to be with other children who are different from them, it is an asset to learn sign language. It’s wonderful during childhood, which is such an important time, not to separate. It’s a chance,” he insists. Isn’t he thinking of his little boy there? “Oh dear”, he replies “He is 3 and a half years old and at the beginning of September, I had to let go of his hand so that he could take his first steps at school”, he slips with a sigh which conveys both emotion and pride. Julien, dad, is he another man? “Well, when I became a dad, but even before his birth, during the pregnancy, it changed me. Let’s just say I stopped looking at myself too much. This job is made of lights, cameras, self-talk. I like talking about my songs, but the most important thing is to inject optimism into a child, to love him deeply, to listen to him, to succeed in accepting that he will one day stand on his own two feet. “, he tells us. And there we feel the responsibility with which he takes his fatherhood. Without the support, the words, the presence, the love of his parents,

Sacha also admits, he wouldn’t talk about his journey so easily. “Today, I can say that I have accepted myself as I am, I am no longer afraid of the eyes of others,” concludes Sacha. With Julien, they both intend to bring this positive, solar and united energy to the set of the big closing evening of CAP48!

“Big closing evening of CAP48”, Sunday October 6, 8:20 p.m., headline

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