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Prepare for the time change! Here is the winter 2024 date to absolutely remember!

Prepare for the time change! Here is the winter 2024 date to absolutely remember!
Prepare for the time change! Here is the winter 2024 date to absolutely remember!
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The time change ritual is fast approaching.

Like every year, the French will have to adjust their watches and clocks for the transition to winter time.

This practice, although contested, remains in force and still raises as many questions.

When exactly will this change take place?

What are the consequences on our body?

And above all, is this system doomed to disappear?

Let’s take stock of this subject which concerns all citizens.

The date of the next time change

The next changeover to winter time will take place on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27, 2024. At 3 a.m., it will officially be 2 o’clock. Concretely, this means that we will gain an hour of sleep. For those who fear forgetting, here is a simple mnemonic: octoberwe move backwards.

The history of time change in

Changing time is not a recent practice in France. First introduced in 1916 during World War I, it aimed to save coal. After several back and forths, the current system was put in place in 1976 following the oil crisis, always with the aim of saving energy.

Key dates:

  • 1916 : First introduction of the time change
  • [1945 : Abandonment of the system after the Second World War
  • 1976 : Reintroduction of the biannual time change

The effects of the time change on our body

The transition to winter time is generally better experienced than the transition to summer time. However, this change is not without consequences on our biological rhythm.

Potential impacts:

  • Circadian rhythm disruption
  • Temporary fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Decrease in concentration

According to studies carried out by theNational Institute of Sleep and Vigilance (INSV)it takes on average one to two days for our body to adapt to this change. Some people, especially children and the elderly, may be more sensitive and require up to a week to return to their usual routine.

The advantages and disadvantages of changing time

The debate on the usefulness of the time change is far from over. Let’s look at the main arguments put forward by its supporters and detractors.

Benefits :

  • Energy savings : Historical argument, although contested today
  • Adaptation to natural light : Allows you to take advantage of more daylight
  • Reduction of road accidents : In theory, thanks to better visibility in the morning


  • Disruption of biological rhythm : May affect health and well-being
  • Logistical complexity : For transport and certain sectors of activity
  • Contested energy savings : Recent studies call this argument into question

The scheduled end of the time change?

In 2019, the European Parliament voted in favor of removing the seasonal time change. This decision followed a public consultation where 84% of Europeans spoke out against this practice. Initially planned for 2021, this reform was postponed due to the health crisis and disagreements between member states.

Obstacles to removal:

  • Lack of consensus between EU countries
  • Logistical difficulties in harmonizing time zones
  • Debates over the choice of permanent time (summer or winter)

To date, no date has been set for the end of the time change in Europe. France, like the other member countries, therefore continues to apply the system in force while awaiting a final decision.

How to cope with the transition to winter time?

Although the October time change is generally better tolerated than the March time change, it can be helpful to follow a few tips to make the transition easier.

Recommendations from specialists:

  1. Anticipate change : Gradually change your bedtime a few days before
  2. Expose yourself to light : Take advantage of the morning light to regulate your internal clock
  3. Maintain regular physical activity : It promotes quality sleep
  4. Avoid screens in the evening : Blue light disrupts melatonin production
  5. Stick to regular meal times : They play a role in regulating the circadian rhythm

The environmental impact of the time change

The ecological argument, long put forward to justify the time change, is today called into question. Technological progress and the evolution of our lifestyles have considerably modified our energy consumption.

Summary of recent studies:

  • Marginal energy savings (less than 0.5% according to ADEME)
  • Possible increase in consumption in certain sectors
  • Impact varies depending on region and lifestyle

L’Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) estimates that the savings made by the time change are now negligible. This observation fuels the debate on the relevance of maintaining this system.

International time change

The practice of changing time is not universal. It concerns around 70 countries around the world, mainly in North America, Europe and Oceania.

Some particularities:

Country/Region Practical
UNITED STATES Time change, but different dates from Europe
Russia Abandoned the time change in 2011
Japan Never practiced the time change
Africa Very few countries practice time change

This diversity of practices highlights the complexity of finding a harmonized system on a global scale, particularly for international trade and transport.

Future prospects for time change

Although the end of the time change was voted by the European Parliament, its implementation remains uncertain. Several scenarios are possible for the years to come.

Possible options:

  • Maintaining the current system : In the absence of agreement between member countries
  • Adoption of permanent summer time : Option favored by certain countries
  • Choice of permanent winter time : Considered more natural by chronobiologists
  • Decision left to each Member State : At the risk of creating discrepancies within the EU

The final decision will have to take into account many factors: public health, economy, environment, but also the preferences of citizens. In the meantime, the French will continue to change their time twice a year, as they have done for almost 50 years.

Ultimately, whether you are for or against the time change, it is important to prepare for this biannual transition. For the next changeover to winter time on the night of Saturday October 26 to Sunday October 27, 2024don’t forget to set your watches back one hour. And if you are wondering about the usefulness of this practice, know that you are not alone: ​​the debate remains open and could well lead to changes in the years to come.



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