After the left caviar, the left cassoulet

After the left caviar, the left cassoulet
After the left caviar, the left cassoulet

IThere was left caviar, here comes the time for left cassoulet. Strong, heavy, “stomach-friendly”. For the old-timers, it is not absolutely modern, but it has the merit of existing. Has the Republican banquet become trendy again?

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Saturday September 28, in Bram, in Aude, during feasts where the white bean and sausage flowed freely, a collection of barons of social democracy in reconstruction came to restore their health in front of more than two thousand sympathizers.

Not yet high competition, but the beginning of convalescence for this left which can no longer support the deviations and kicks of a Mélenchon in the process of Trumpization. On the agenda: how to close ranks to oust Olivier Faure “the Submissive”, the man who delivered the party to the guru of LFI and who leads it in the Soviet style? By provoking a PS congress as quickly as possible. Early 2025, for example?

In the same column

Old habits

To win, we must show our muscles, show the beginnings of unity among the reformists. Put an end to the fatalism of a power lost for thirty years. And this is where everything gets complicated. In the photo, we are playing “Let’s Kiss Us, Folleville”. Rugby atmosphere. Everything for the collective… François Hollande, Carole Delga, Bernard Cazeneuve, Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, Raphaël Glucksmann, Patrick Kanner, Renaissance renegades – such as Clément or Aurélien Rousseau –, the mayors of , and , multiply the accolades , the languorous looks, a sign that the marriage of all these people is not impossible.

ALSO READ The astonishing political tour of Bernard CazeneuveBehind the scenes, old habits are taking over. The left has never been so scattered “puzzle style”, according to Bernard Blier’s formula in The Gunslingers. Small parties abound, as in the great era before the Epinay Congress.

In stock, the left can count on the Socialist Party (PS), divided as never before, Place publique, the movement of Raphaël Glucksmann, which is gaining strength, the Radical Left Party, of Guillaume Lacroix, Convention, the think tank created by Bernard Cazeneuve, Human and strong , by the mayor of Saint-Ouen Karim Bouamrane – considered by the American press as the new Barack Obama –, finally La Ligne populaire, by Philippe Brun, deputy for Eure. Not to mention the satellite pharmacies which will have an influence during the next electoral meetings.

Bernard Cazeneuve’s red jacket

Will this uproar, which will continue for the next few months, lead to a real political project allowing a repeat of François Mitterrand’s coup d’Épinay in 1971, which led to victory ten years later? ? Or is it just a desperate attempt to undock the PS boat from La France insoumise (LFI) before the announced sinking?

Let us not dream: for this collection of figures occupying all the shades of pink up to the PC, in the midst of a crisis with LFI on secularism, to regain color and engage in a strategy of unity, it will be necessary, one day or other, that they agree to propel a new figure at their head.

ALSO READ Bertrand, Cazeneuve: the big weekend for the “failed” Will these heralds of unity have the audacity to help Raphaël Glucksmann, the man who avoided a blow to the left in the European elections, to carry the standard of this revitalization movement in the making? Or will they appoint Bernard Cazeneuve, Macron’s real-false Prime Minister, who arrived in Bram in an alluring and absurd Ritz bellhop outfit, red jacket with Mao collar, with gold buttons? What fly has bitten François Hollande’s ex-real tenant of Matignon to disguise himself like this? Make more people? History of sticking to the dominant discourse of this very IV reunione Republic?

All of them, in any case, at least in their interventions in Bram, but also in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) and La Réole (), where they also met at the end of the week, announced that the left, on sovereign subjects, security and immigration, will change its software and get closer to the citizen world. With one avowed goal: to once again, and always, block Marine Le Pen. We eagerly await revolutionary proposals in this area.



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