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Fadilou Keïta calls on Macky Sall to answer for his actions before the courts

Fadilou Keïta calls on Macky Sall to answer for his actions before the courts
Fadilou Keïta calls on Macky Sall to answer for his actions before the courts

Fadilou Keïta, director of the Caisse de dépôt et de consignation (CDC), expressed virulent criticism of former President Macky Sall during his appearance on the Grand Jury program this Sunday, September 29, broadcast on the RFM. Invited by the journalist Babacar Fall, Fadilou Keïta, did not mince his words in affirming that Macky Sall must be held responsible for many harms caused to Senegal, both on a human and financial level.

Fadilou Keïta accused the former head of state of having a direct share of responsibility in the violent political events that shook Senegal between 2021 and 2024, a period marked by numerous demonstrations and violent repressions. “He imprisoned Senegalese people and broke up households. We are talking about more than 80 deaths in these political events, and Macky Sall is directly involved,” Keïta said, pointing out what he considers to be authoritarian and repressive management on the part of the former president.

In addition to accusations linked to political violence, Fadilou Keïta spoke of “financial carnage” under the Macky Sall regime. According to him, the former president is responsible for mismanagement of public resources, facilitating the plunder of the country’s finances. “He allowed everyone to despoil our financial resources,” he insisted, before adding that Macky Sall seriously exposed Senegal by giving false figures on the country’s economic situation.

The director of the CDC goes further by affirming that Macky Sall could “easily be tried for high treason”. Fadilou Keïta, the former president, betrayed the oath he took as head of state, that of protecting the interests of Senegal. “He took an oath to protect the interests of Senegal. He exposed the country by falsifying economic data and covering up financial scandals,” he explained.

Fadilou Keïta also criticized the way in which Macky Sall managed the reports from the Court of Auditors, accusing the latter of having intentionally withheld compromising reports to avoid destabilizing his regime. “The most serious thing is that he was arrogant in declaring publicly that he would not publish certain reports at the risk of setting the country ablaze,” lamented Fadilou Keïta, recalling the former president’s controversial words against camera.



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