Emerging countries taking on the world?

Emerging countries taking on the world?
Emerging countries taking on the world?

We no longer present the BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – the group has existed since 2009 for the BRICs without the S of South Africa which will not make its entry until 2011. In August 2023, At the end of their 15th summit, BRICS became BRICS+ with the integration of six new members invited to join this alliance. Argentina, Egypt, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. In 2024, all of these countries except Argentina became members. And Turkey is now knocking at the door.

BRICS+ is a somewhat informal platform, without common rules or statutes. Heterogeneous in terms of economic development and scientific and technological capabilities.

The 10 BRICS+ countries will represent in 2024 almost half of the world’s population and 37% of the world’s Gross Domestic Product in nominal value, compared to 44% for the G7 countries.

What does this multilateral club of emerging powers want for itself? Can it upset the international order? Will it constitute a counter-hegemonic bloc against the domination of Western powers? What are its strengths and limitations?

Guests :

  • Sylvie Bermann, President of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Advanced National Defense Studies. Former French Ambassador to China, the United Kingdom and Russia. “ Madam Ambassador. From Beijing to Moscow, a diplomat’s life », ed. Tallandier.
  • Michael DuclosFormer ambassador. Special advisor at the Montaigne Institute. His latest work “ French diplomacy », Alpha editions.
  • Christophe Venturaresearch director at Iris, head of the Latin America/Caribbean program. Journalist at Le Monde Diplomatique. “ De-Westernization. Rethinking the world order », Agone edition.
  • Olivier Da Lage. Former journalist at RFI. Researcher associated with Iris where he follows the Arabian Peninsula and India. “ India a fragile giant », ed. Eyrolles.

Broadcast recorded in as part of GEOPOLITIQUES DE NANTES.



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