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Elections to the Chamber of Agriculture in Aude: the CGT fights against the invisibility of agricultural employees

The CGT is campaigning for the elections to the Chamber of Agriculture (from January 15 to January 31 by post or electronically) in the college of agricultural production employees which represents around 7,600 people in Aude.

In a chamber of agriculture, the college of employees (6 elected officials) does not carry the same weight as the colleges of agricultural operators (18 elected officials). However, the CGT wants to make the voice of these 7,600 people who work in the agricultural world of Aude heard. “We are demanding the visibility of agricultural employees. It seems that they do not exist, that they are absent from the debates. There is employer contempt for them”report Anne Garreta, CGT agri-food regional manager and national manager. For Sophie Trochet, secretary of the CGT departmental union, “there is a race to the bottom”. “It’s a workforce that can be cut and forced to work at will. With the possibility, for employers, of setting up precarious contracts”continues Anne Garreta, who demands better working conditions, declared contracts, a gross minimum wage of €2,400, a seniority bonus, a 13th month and retirement at 55.

Frédéric Rouanet's words are “inaudible”

And to rebel against the remarks of Frédéric Rouanet, the president of the Aude winegrowers' union, following the arrest of two managers of an agricultural subcontracting company for hidden work and employment of foreigners during 'a coordinated operation by the office for combating illicit migrant smuggling, the air and border police, the gendarmerie, the MSA, the URSSAF, the Departmental Directorate of Public Finances, Labor Inspection and CAF.

“I find this type of control unwelcome in the midst of a wine crisis,” the winegrower unionist reacted. “We have no choice, for work on the vines, we have to call on service companies and we are obliged to trust them in the authenticity of the documents presented to us. However, we are considered to be being responsible, while we engage in the provision of services and we are in good faith.”


For Anne Garreta, these kinds of comments are “inaudible”. “This shows the lack of consideration of the agricultural profession for the employees. Frédéric Rouanet is president of a union, he must also speak up for the employees. But no, instead of condemning, he adds another layer. So although Of course, when you hire a service provider, the operator is responsible for the working conditions. He cannot clear himself from customs.”


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