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LCI loses one of its emblematic faces, Bénédicte Le Chatelier says goodbye and speaks to her daughters live (VIDEO)

By Ben Mandin | Editor

A journalist specializing in the world of television, Benoit never misses an episode of Bring in the Accused, Love is in the Meadow, The Voice, Dancing with the Stars, Mask Singer or Star Academy. Also a fan of Quotidien and news channels, he has an interest in political news and news items.

After twenty years of good and loyal service, Bénédicte Le Chatelier has decided to leave LCI and the TF1 group. The host presented her final edition of “Club Chatelier” on Thursday June 27, 2024 at the end of the afternoon. It was not without a certain emotion that she bid farewell to the viewers of channel 26 of TNT, particularly when she mentioned her daughters, Juliette and Sidonie, in management for this moving finale.

LCI loses one of its emblematic faces, Bénédicte Le Chatelier says goodbye after 20 years in the TF1 group © Le Club Le Chatelier

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A page in the history of LCI turned on Thursday June 27, 2024. The TF1 group’s continuous news channel, which has just celebrated its thirtieth anniversary, lost one of its emblematic faces.

After twenty years of good and loyal service, Bénédicte Le Chatelier decided to leave the channel where Jean-Baptiste Boursier lost patience with guests. Through a message posted on her social networks, the host announced it to her loyal viewers a few hours before presenting her final Club Chatelier.

“Today, I’m doing my last show on LCI. In 20 years, at TF1, I laughed, I cried, I grew up, I met presidents, athletes, actors, generals , teachers, I was even catapulted from an aircraft carrier and had a palme d’or. Above all, I met wonderful journalists, technicians, makeup artists, who made these 20 years a fabulous adventure. “, she wrote while accompanying her message with nine photos illustrating her career within LCI and the TF1 group.

Shortly before 6 p.m., Bénédicte Le Chatelier closed a twenty-year-old page. The host, who the public was also able to meet at the presentation of the magazine What is love ? on NT1 – former name of TFX – in 2013, could not hide his emotion when signing his farewell to the viewers of LCI, a channel where a speaker revealed his private life live. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone I’ve met here over the past 20 years… It’s been 20 years anyway. Those who trusted me to begin with (…) those with whom we cried with joy when LCI was saved, the old ones will remember it, the viewers whom we managed to convince all together that it was worth it suddenly to go up to 26, that we were a valid, intelligent channel”says the 47-year-old journalist to begin her farewell on air.

Strong emotion when talking about his daughters, Juliette and Sidonie

Bénédicte Le Chatelier will then have a thought for two people who are extremely dear to her. “I especially wanted to say thank you to Juliette and Sidonie…”she begins, before interrupting herself under the influence of emotion, then continuing: “To Juliette and Sidonie, they are both in control. These are my daughters, whom I love. When I arrived at LCI I had no children, I have two now. Two big ones. They never complained when their mom wasn’t there to take them to school or to put them to bed or when they were working on the weekend, so I wanted to thank you girls because you carried me well.”

A very emotional moment for the one who will also take advantage of her farewell to salute the memory of the late Thierry Gilardi and to say more about her state of mind at the moment. “It’s a new life that is opening up. I’m super excited, a little nervous, we’ll see how it goes. A little emotional, but I thought it would be worse”explains Bénédicte Le Chatelier, before concluding: “Kisses and thank you.”


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