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ChatGPT will very soon have a level of study higher than the average human

ChatGPT saw the light of day on the screens of ordinary mortals in November 2022. At that time, it was a well of resources, but also of questions and doubts. The software quickly evolved and won over many people. Just as it has fueled the fear of some. Until a year ago, no program claimed to be able to compete with ChatGPT, designed by OpenAI. Today, a few companies have unlocked the secret of this type of artificial intelligence, notably Google, with its program Gemini. But OpenAI intends to keep its monopoly on expertise, and outdo itself by constantly proposing improvements to the program. The next one promises to be more than surprising.

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According to OpenAI, the previous version of ChatGPT generally held the intellectual level of a child. The company has undertaken a considerable leap from one version to the next, because currently the program has an intelligence akin to that of a high school student. In an interview with Dartmouth Engineering, Mira Murati, CTO of OpenAI, reveals the level of the next version of ChatGPT: that of a human with a doctorate, at least for “some specific tasks”. “Things are changing and improving quite quickly”explains the businesswoman.

No date has been precisely communicated by the company regarding the release of this GPT-5 version. Mira Murati, however, hinted that she could be released within a year and a half.


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