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Instagram is going to impose full-screen advertising on you, whether you like it or not

Nobody wanted it, Instagram did it. Meta is currently testing a new feature. Ads imposed in full screen.

Ad Break is the name of this new feature. The Meta application would like to integrate advertisements, impossible to skip. When a user “scrolls” in their news feed on Instagram, an advertisement lasting several seconds may appear, without the possibility of ignoring it. This feature is not yet available to all users, but many in the United States have experienced it during a testing phase.

Users are gnashing their teeth

Instagram was currently pretty good at integrating ads or sponsored content. Sponsored posts are easily integrated into the feed or stories, here these “ad breaks” will be imposed on users for three to five seconds. A functionality reminiscent of Tik Tok, which does the same thing. The only difference here is that Tik Tok allows you to ignore these ads. The handful of users who underwent this test did not fail to share their frustration and dissatisfaction. On Reddit, criticism is rife.

byu/notthatogwiththename from discussion

This user can’t believe it and would even consider leaving the application if the functionality was adopted permanently.

On X, same thing. Many people deplore this addition, like @ithastobeyeye, but try to see the bright side of things. “Instagram now has ad breaks. I can’t continue scrolling until the ad is over. OMG, this really sucks. At least I would spend less time on it.”

As it is currently only being implemented in the test phase, it is impossible to say whether it will be generalized. Given the negative reviews, we can hope for an abandonment of this idea or a change in operation.

You have to see the positive. Instagram is continually reinventing itself and sometimes this involves questionable features, which hopefully will be forgotten. But the application also offers interesting features. We told you about it, the application recently implemented the possibility of deactivating the possibility for teenagers to be contacted via private messages by people they do not follow. An option that would help fight online harassment and protect young people.

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