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Near Châtellerault, this octogenarian has a devouring passion for puzzles

Who among us has never taken the time to do a puzzle, this patience game, made up of elements to be assembled to reconstruct an image? A relaxation that can quickly become a devouring passion.

Janine Pion, an octogenarian living in Dangé-Saint-Romain, caught the virus at a young age.

From crochet to puzzle

« I must have been 10 or 12 years old when I opened my first box, she remembers. At the time, I liked to do things manually. I was crocheting, canvas too, but the puzzle quickly became evident. »

Like any patience game, this activity is rather time-consuming. Also, our cephaloclastophile had to considerably slow down her hobby when she entered working life.

Upon retirement, Janine Pion found herself with some free time. And inevitably, the pieces of cardboard to be assembled then came back to his fond memory.

“It makes me feel really good”

« The puzzle is still not a priesthood, admits Janine. I consider it more of a relaxation, a pleasure. When I start one, I can abandon it for a few days but as soon as the urge arises, I have to get back to it. This makes me feel really good. »

After 40 years of passion, Janine has accumulated nearly 50 paintings at home made from 1,000, 2,000 to 4,000 pieces. Not to mention those she gave to a loved one or which decorate one of the walls of her house.

Over time, she developed her technique. First sort the pieces by dominant colors and make a plywood frame which will serve as a support. “ This way I can move it when needed. »

Then, like most of us, make the outline. “ Once finished, my husband, Jacques, is responsible for covering it with Plexiglas and making a frame. »

Ideal for exercising the brain

Janine would like to share her passion with others. “ This activity not only gives me joy but allows me to stay intellectually fit. I would like to show the younger generation that our old occupations are fun and healthy and bring a lot of satisfaction, certainly different from those generated by video games. »

His project? Exhibit your works in the town, perhaps by 2025, and use them to answer visitors’ questions. “ Not all puzzles are framed yet, lifts her husband Jacques with a smile. I’ll have my work cut out for me. »


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