DayFR Euro

Bagot’s Thought – Founded in 1951

September 18, 2024 – 07:00

An exhibition to raise awareness of elder abuse

By: Bagot’s Thought

The Yvonne L. Bombardier Cultural Center launches the exhibition Good treatmentan exhibition to raise awareness of elder abuse, from September 22 to November 24.

This unique exhibition brings together the works of eight talented artists from the Estrie region, addressing with delicacy and depth the themes of mistreatment and good treatment of seniors. Through these creations, the artists hope to spark reflection and encourage dialogue on this crucial, often taboo subject.

Each work is an invitation to contemplation, awareness and exchange. By exploring these artistic representations, you will discover a sensitive and aesthetic approach to realities that are sometimes difficult to address.

This project is an initiative of the Memphrémagog and Val-Saint-François Seniors’ Consultation Tables, in partnership with DIRA-Estrie and the AQDR Memphrémagog. It is financially supported by the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS and the Regional Concertation against Elder Abuse.


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