World’s first x-ray of a single atom

The potential of X-rays goes far beyond the simple medical imaging we are used to. Recently, a revolutionary advance allowed scientists to characterize a single atom using X-rays, opening up exciting new perspectives in the field of materials science and fundamental research.

An unprecedented achievement on the atom

For the first time in history, researchers were able to visualize and study an individual atom using X-rays. This technological breakthrough was made possible thanks to a specialized detector and an innovative technique developed by a team of researchers from the Ohio University and Argonne National Laboratory.

By inserting iron and terbium atoms into specific molecules that host or surround them, scientists were able to observe not only the presence of these atoms, but also their chemical behavior. For example, once inserted into its molecular host, the terbium atom (a rare earth metal) tends to remain isolated and stable. This stability indicates that this atom only interacts weakly with its molecular environment. In contrast, once placed in its host molecule, the iron atom exhibits more dynamic and significant chemical interactions with surrounding atoms. These interactions may include chemical bonds with other atoms present in the molecule or exchanges of electrons.

Images of supramolecular assemblies comprising six rubidium atoms and one iron atom. Credits: Ajayi et al., Nature, 2023

Revolutionary implications

This revolutionary advance in the characterization of atoms at the nanoscale opens the way to a multitude of potential applications. First, by observing how atoms interact and behave within matter, scientists could design more efficient, more resistant and more durable materials. This could have a significant impact in sectors such as materials engineering, aerospace, electronics and many others where innovative materials are constantly sought to meet the growing needs of various technological applications.

By better understanding how atoms interact with their environmentscientists could also develop more sensitive and selective detection techniques to monitor pollution, contaminants and other toxic substances in air, water and soil. This could contribute to better management and protection of the environment, as well as public health.

Furthermore, in the medical fieldthis technology could open up new perspectives in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. By better understanding the chemical composition of biological substances and drugs at the atomic level, researchers could indeed design more effective and targeted drugs, as well as more precise and non-invasive diagnostic techniques. This could lead to significant advances in areas such as oncology, neurology and pharmacology, providing new treatment options for patients.

Finally, this advance could have revolutionary implications in the field of quantum computing. By better understanding the quantum properties of individual atoms, scientists could develop more advanced quantum technologies, such as quantum computers, capable of performing much more complex and faster calculations than classical computers. This could open up new perspectives in areas such as cryptography, molecular modeling and simulation of complex systems.

This discovery marks a major step in the exploration of matter at the atomic scale. Potential applications, from creating new materials to improving medical technologies, show how this breakthrough could transform many industries. By pushing the limits of observing and understanding atoms, researchers are paving the way for innovations that will profoundly change the way we design technologies and meet the scientific challenges of tomorrow.



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