The Basses Vallées school in Cantenay-Épinard organized a two-day discovery of the sky and its stars and planets thanks to a planetarium located in the conviviality room.
This moment where each class discovered all the facets of the constellations was led by Serge Durand from the Maine sciences association and was financed by the Parents’ Association as part of educational projects.
This moment was magical for the children
say the teachers. Arranged all around this planetarium, they asked questions that were both naive and based on their relationship to this immensity.
To the question “How can we easily retain all this tangle of planets?” Serge Durand offered them this phrase “My old aunt Marie is playing under a cloud” in relation to the letters of the planets Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
-The Maine Sciences association says it will continue its presentations but in an uncertain climate
because 65% of it is financed by the Pays de la Loire region.