All the celestial events not to be missed in 2025

Like every year, there will be numerous celestial events in 2025, to the great pleasure of astronomy enthusiasts looking for wonder.

Although these events are unlikely to rival the total eclipse of April 8, solar activity will be at the height of its 11-year cycle, giving hope that opportunities to see the Northern Lights will be plentiful. .

Here are all the celestial events happening this year.

Solar eclipses


According to NASA, there will be two partial solar eclipses this year.

The premiere will take place on March 29 and will be visible from Europe, Asia, North America and South America.

The second, on September 21, will only be observable from Australia and Antarctica.

The next total eclipse will take place on August 12, 2026, and it will be most visible from Spain.

Lunar eclipse

5bdcaf43ed.jpg© Photo taken from the website

A total lunar eclipse could be observed in 2025.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Moon and the Sun.

For a moment, the three stars are aligned, which causes the Earth to cast its shadow on the Moon, making it disappear completely during a total eclipse or partially during a partial eclipse.

The next one will take place on March 14 and will be total, which means that the Moon will completely disappear from the sky for about an hour during the night.

It coincides with the blood moon, a phenomenon which causes this star to take on a reddish tint when the light from the sun which illuminates it passes through the earth’s atmosphere.

It will be visible from North America, according to NASA.

super monday

© Toma Iczkovits / Agence QMI

Supermoons occur when the Moon is closer to Earth than usual, making it appear a little larger in the sky.

The next three will take place at the end of 2025, on October 7, November 5 and December 4.

Meteor showers

© Photo taken from the Domaine Saint-Bernard Facebook page

This phenomenon is created by the passage of the Earth into the orbit of a comet, which causes a large amount of cometary dust to enter the Earth’s atmosphere, creating shooting stars.

They occur every year, but their intensity can vary.

Here are the dates when each meteor shower will be most visible in 2025:

  • Quadrantids: January 2-3
  • Lyrids: April 21-22
  • Êta aquarides: 3-4 May
  • Delta Aquarids: July 29-30
  • Alpha-Capricornides: July 29-30
  • Perseides: August 12-13
  • Draconids: October 8-9
  • Orionids: October 22-23
  • Southern Taurids: November 3-4
  • Northern Taurides: November 8-9
  • Leonids: November 16-17
  • Geminids: December 12-13
  • Ursids: December 21-22

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