The Mobvoi TicWatch Atlas integrates a Snapdragon W5 chip accompanied by 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage. The whole thing runs under Wear OS 4.0 with a manufacturer overlay developed by Mobvoi. If the interface is rather fluid, we regret a long screen wake-up time, but also some unfortunate translations and other spelling mistakes. At that price, we expected better.
As with the majority of connected watches, this one is sometimes controlled by the touch screen, sometimes by the buttons. Let’s start with them, located on the right edge of the case and there are two of them. The first, central, is a rotating crown accompanied by haptic feedback, which is otherwise rather weak. It also acts as a push button. With one click, it gives access to the main menu displaying all the apps available on the wrist. Then simply turn the crown to scroll through the suggestions. A new click then returns you to the home screen. The second button above displays the latest apps launched with a short click. With a long click, it sends to the menu to turn off or restart the device.
It is therefore through the touch screen that most of the navigation is done. You validate by touching the desired option and go back by sliding your finger from the left end of the screen to the center. From the home screen, a horizontal swipe scrolls through different screens displaying the metrics collected on the watch (number of steps, calories burned, heart rate, sleep monitoring, etc.). A swipe down opens a shortcut pane (airplane mode, do not disturb, brightness adjustment, etc.). Finally, a swipe up reveals the notifications.
These are correctly displayed. The text is clear and the source applications are indicated. It is even possible to respond directly from your wrist, either via voice recognition which transcribes your message, or via a mini-keyboard – be careful, you will need to have thin fingers.
-The tocante also includes a speaker and a microphone and it is therefore possible to make calls from your TicWatch Atlas. It also integrates Google Pay using an NFC chip and offers 32 GB of storage. Enough to download a large number of music, but also offline maps. Finally, thanks to WearOS, many popular applications such as Strava, Spotify, Deezer and Mapsme are available on the TicWatch. Enough to further improve navigation comfort.
The TicWatch Atlas synchronizes with the Mobvoi Health app available on Android and which provides the essentials. In the first part, it displays all the data collected by the watch (number of steps, calories, physical activities, stress, sleep) and offers numerous graphs to follow its evolution. The second pane is dedicated to the watch settings: you can modify the home screens, data screens and touch various settings. Finally, a third part controls the account settings. If the app is successful overall, some translation problems tarnish the experience.